Jury and awards
International Competition Prize
The international jury will award the following prizes for the International Competition section:
- Best Short Documentary duration: up to 30 minutes): € 2,500.00, equally divided between director and production;
- Best Medium-length Film (duration: between 31 and 60 minutes): € 4,000.00, equally divided between director and production;
-Best Feature-Length Documentary (duration: over 60 minutes): € 8,000.00, equally divided between director and production;
-Targa Gian Paolo Paoli best Anthropological Film: Gian Paolo Paoli Award.
Italian Jury of the 64th Festival dei Popoli
The Italian jury of the 64th Festival dei Popoli is composed of:
Italian Documentary Award
The Italian jury will award the following prizes for the Italian Competition section:
- Best Italian Documentary Award: €3,000.00 equally divided between director and production.
Other festival prizes

CG Entertainment distribution award to the best film in the Italian Competition section
The distribution company CG Entertainment offers the winning film the opportunity to be published on-demand on the www.cgtv.it platform.

CG Digital Distribution on Demand Award for Best European Film of Habitat Section
CG Entertainment distribution company offers the winning film of the Habitat section the opportunity to be released on-demand on the platform www.cgtv.it.

"Human Rights" Award - Amnesty International Italy
The "Human Rights" Award is given by Amnesty International Italia to one of the films in the official selection of the Festival dei Popoli.

Theatrical distribution Award "Imperdibili"
The prize will be awarded by the Head of programming of the Cinema La Compagnia in conjunction with her team. The winner will be screened at the Cinema La Compagnia during a period of time to be agreed with the production/distribution.

Theatrical distribution Award "Il Cinemino"
The award will be given by the team composed of Cinemino's founding members (based in Milan) to the work that best embodies the "cinemino" spirit: commitment, social value and linguistically innovative. The winning film will be programmed with modalities to be agreed upon with the production/distribution.

AMC Best Editing Award
AMC - Film and Television Editing Association awards the Best Editing Award to a documentary film in the Italian Competition.

Audience Award
The festival audience will express their preferences by voting the films presented in the International Competition and in the Italian Competition.